I came across a code base of a project that was developed mostly by a bunch of junior developers and most of the code that iterates a collection was in the following format
List administrators = getAdministrators();
if (administrators.size() > 0) {
Iterator administratorsItr = administrators.iterator();
Administrator administrator = null;
while (administratorsItr.hasNext()) {
administrator = (Administrator) administratorsItr.next();
//rest of the code block removed
Just looking at that piece of code made my head spin :). The worst part was that this is the style most of the junior developers had adopted and could be seen all over the code base.
Just for the record I would have written it in the following way (actually would have let the IDE write it for me)
The above two code blocks achieve the same thing, the difference been, first is 9 lines long and the second is 4 lines. Most importantly you can figure out whats going on easily by looking at the second code block.
List administrators = getAdministrators();
for (Iterator iter = administrators.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Administrator administrator = (Administrator) iter.next();
//rest of the code block removed
The worst part is IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA will write it for you. All you have to do is type itco and press ctrl + space keys just after the List administrators = ... line.
I don't know if there is something similar on Eclipse but you can import all these nifty IDEA Live Templates into Eclipse. Just head over to this page where you can find the xml file and instructions on how to import the file.